J.M. Black – Media Shenanigans!

Sound Designer, Writer/Director, Storyteller

Interlude #2: Maintenance Tips For A Healthy Cactus!

Hello hello, and see ya!

When I started this blog in December I was excited by creative stuff and wanted to do it.

After only a few months I’ve realised that writing is overrated, sound design is boring and we should just record everything on set, and audio drama? Never heard of her. I’m gonna listen to Skrillex when commuting now!

Theatre’s alright though, we’re cool.

This post marks a change in this blog’s content! No more! I’m sick of it!


How To Maintain A Cactus:

So for our first post we’re going to go into a few quick tips on maintaining a cactus as an indoor house plant.

This is near and dear to me, I’ve kept cacti for about 15 years now and they haven’t died on me yet (though to be fair, cacti are pretty good at surviving harsh desert conditions).

To keep your cactus plant happy and healthy, here’s what you have to do!

Tip 1: Cacti LOVE the sun!

If you can have your cactus plant in sunlight (on a windowsill, or even outdoors during the summer months), they super appreciate this! Naturally over time, you may find your plant growing towards the sunlight. As this happens, make sure to rotate the plant pot so they grow straight up and don’t end up shaped like a curly silly straw.

Tip 2: Water it!

Depending on whether the plant’s in direct sunlight (window or outdoors) or in the shade, and depending on the size watering will vary.

The amount will be enough to satiate the plant, and making sure that it isn’t sitting in water. I remember a quarter of a glass of water, maybe 1/5th, was plenty for my plants. I read that rainwater is recommended, but tap water can work too – depends on the area you’re in I guess. I come from the north and our water’s class.

Once a week, or every 10 or so days during the spring/summer season is fine. I read that less is okay during the winter season – every 4 to 6 weeks – but look up the specific type of cactus as some need water more consistently than others too. Here’s a link with more information on watering needs.

Tip 3: Repotting!

If it gets too big for the pot, put it in a bigger one!! Those roots need space to chill in the soil! You may see this need after having the plant for a few years, so you’ll have plenty of time to find a new bigger pot for it!

Not too big, but comfortable enough that its growth can continue and the roots will be able to sap up the water you provide. When repotting, use kitchen towel or gardening gloves to protect your hands from the spines. Taking it out of the pot can be kinda ouchy otherwise!

As for type of soil – I was taught a mix of potting soil and sand provides the best conditions. Here’s a cool website I found with more information on specifics!

If you have a chance to have a cactus in your home, I highly recommend it! They make wonderful houseplants, live for a while, and if you’re a terrible plant owner they’re very forgiving. Just need to water them once a week!

Also all of this was a bit: APRIL FOOLS!!!

I’ll see you on Friday for regularly scheduled creative stuff. Please don’t follow my gardening tips, do your research and see what works for your house plants!

Thanks for reading and go re-pot some cacti!


Joke of the Day!

Q: You hear about the cowardly cactus?

A: It was Spineless!

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